Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Skinny Water Bones

Skinny Water Bones is a short highlight video of our third week in the Caribbean. Week three consisted of our time sleeping on the beaches of a small island and stalking bonefish on foot in some super skinny water.

Enjoy, and let that fire grow high.


Lawrence / fishing reels said...

I never miss every blog from you, every time you posted an unbelievable achievements with story. Thanks a lot

Anonymous said...

If this is a 'short highlight' then the full mission must have been epic! Love your work, shared to:

B r y o n said...

You Are a Tourist is a perfect fit for your video. Had to watch and listen twice. Nice Catch!

Anonymous said...

Great job on the vid, guys. Love the track, too

Michissippi said...

Nice work! I've been following your blog for a while, but somehow I missed this video. Just one more reason why this is my favorite blog. You guys inspire me. Keep up the good work.