Friday, May 22, 2015

Get Rid of Monofilament

When you find two dying baby geese wrapped up in monofilament, you must help the baby geese.

When you must help the baby geese, you run around like a mad man on a mission.

When your a mad man on a mission, you put your fly rod on top of the car.

When you put your fly rod on top of the car, you forget your fly rod on top of the car.

When you forget your fly rod on top of the car, you run over your fly rod.

When you run over your fly rod, you get really upset about fishing too much.

When you fish too much, you forget to re-register your domain name.

When you forget to re-register your domain name, some dude in Korea gets your domain name.

Don't forget to re-register your domain name...and please discard your monofilament.


Unknown said...

Good for you Gooseman. Rods < goslings, squirrels, etc. (in trouble of course, not the ass geese that attack my daughters in the park).
I've enjoyed your blog for years. Don't overpay thieves. I think I speak for many of your readers to say that we'd read if your domain was gosling

Mark said...

Thanks Jay, I appreciate the kind words! I am sure is an open domain that is ripe for the taking...

Feather Chucker said...

At least you can joke about it.

Steve said...

I love this blog too! Your photos are fantastic and I look forward to updates.

Nate said...

I was wondering why the blog was down. That's a bitch someone took it. Also glad you didn't have a line in there saying "When you try and save baby geese...their mom gets pissed and attacks you"