Standing on the Edge
Erie, PA
Adam & Matt
Having only fished for steelhead one other time, we are going to be put to the test. Unfamiliar waters, frigid weather, and the strongest fish we have ever fought are what we are up against. Not to mention the thousands of other anglers we will have to contend with. We are going to try and abandon the crowds and the combat fishing to search for less crowded water smaller streams teeming with fish. Of course, this is all wishful thinking, but we will have four long days on the water to find our little slice of heaven. Speaking of heaven, sleeping in the bed of a pickup truck, outside in a Walmart parking lot, in sub-freezing temperatures is a lot what heaven is going to feel like.
Lake Erie Hen on the 5wt.

Adam & Steelhead
My 5wt orvis clearwater is not going to be able to handle these fish like it did on the Lake Erie tributaries last year. I upgraded and am hoping to slay some beasts on my Loop AEG 966-4 and Multi Reel. Adam is gonna go hardcore and fish his brandnew HELIOS tipflex 5wt and Loop Opti Dryfly reel. Of course he has his 8wt Zero G to always fall back on. We also have been building an arsenal of flies. Egg patterns, streamers, and large nymphs are gonna be on the menu up in New York in all manner of colors. One of these flies is going to own and we both know it.
Black Estaz Stone
Veiled Otters Soft Egg
100% Grade A Ownage
One more day... and to quote Dumb and Dumber... "we're there man"