Monday, April 18, 2011

Chocolate Milk

The past two weekends have been blown out from heavy rain thanks to the severe storm systems that have swept across the country. For the weekend warrior, fishing has been tough but we are out nonetheless. I had the opportunity to hop on a boat and try my luck at some striper fishing. Unfortunately, the aforementioned rain forced the river to rise some 80,000 cfs and morph into a flowing lahar. Visibility might have been three inches and the stripers never found our articulated plugs. I didn't really mind though, I was on a boat and we had cold beer. In the coming weeks, I'll be looking for some revenge. Until then, I'll keep tying 12 inch herring patterns and pole dancers because the water temperatures are rising and things are about to get interesting.


Dub The Thorax said...

nice flies. I hear you on the chocolate milk. It's straight up Yoohoo all over the place here.

Unknown said...

Very sweet bugs again, Mark. I'll bet those would slay stripers out here on the CA delta.