Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Fish of 2011


Bigerrfish said...

Right the hell on!... that was one big load of great pics..
Dig the layout of your site!

John said...

yee ha! looking forward to seeing what 2012 brings your way. What's the fish you want to catch most this year?

Unknown said...

2011 was a good year! mike

Darren MacEachern said...

Wow! that's a bunch of pics. It was a good year for ya.

HighPlainsFlyFisher said...

I'm pretty sure you fish too damn much!! That's more like a lifetime of quality fish right there...good shit for sure!!

Matt said...

my 2012 to-do list:
permit, snook and big 'cuda.

Mark said...

@ John

My 2012 Wish List:

2nd Permit
Big Cuda'
Big Shark
Big Striper
40 in. Carp

Leigh said...

Any one of those could be the fish of a lifetime! All the best in 2012!

Anonymous said...

Cut those beards and get a frikkin job. Don't ever get married gentleman, because yu have one hell of a sweet life going on right now and would hate to see you f it up. Keep up the great work. This site is a bookmarker for sure.......