Saturday, July 31, 2010

Leaving on a Jet Plane.

The view from my brother's front porch. The lucky son of a bitch. I cannot wait to get back there and wet a line. The forecast calls for a steady dose of 20+ knot winds, 3 meter seas, and a high chance of rain, rain, and more rain. Not exactly the conditions I was hoping for but we will have to make do. Hopefully the pelicans are dive bombing some bait sixty feet offshore with tarpon, bones, and the occasional blue runner exploding from below. This River is Wild may be getting quiet for awhile or we may be updating on a daily basis. We haven't exactly decided how this is going to work. Either way, we hope to catch fish of any kind and let all of you fish vicariously through us. 



Bigerrfish said...

Best of luck!! looking forward to the report.. Lots of hook ups <

The Average Joe Fisherman said...

Holy crap what I wouldn't give for a view like that! How do I get one?

The Average Joe Fly Fisherman

JMP said...

sick photo...

Mark said...

Thanks guys...

Tarpon 1# is in the books...Adam's first cast.

All about the grab said...

tyt linz!

Bruce said...

Amazing fish and the fish story is the best.