The temperature is scheduled to reach into the 100s by midafternoon and the water levels are not expected to change. I have decided to hunt for some G-Bones in a new locale. Having heard rumors of their abundance in this river for a few years now, and I have finally decided to get my act together and go after them. I make the hour long drive and scout out a few locations before making my way to the head of a trail that takes me to the river. It is around noon by the time I hit the water and the sun is high in the sky and beating down upon me. It is brutally hot and the water is not refreshing at all to wet wade in. I find a nice pocket of 5-6 carp with one Hoss amongst them in a deeper pocket of waist deep water. The problem is, they love hiding out in the thick vegetation that is rooted into the river bottom. I miss a few takes because of the veggies before making my way a few hundred yards out and downstream. I find some deeper, faster water and begin pounding small white perch, small smallmouth, and the occasional baby striper. My first stripers on the fly.
Hold My Beer, Row My Boat, & Watch This...
Carcasses Were Everywhere.
Upstream, amongst the vegetation I had previously fished, is a bowfisherman stalking the herds of golden bones. The father is at the helm of the boat directing his young son and daughter on how to maneuver the boat so he can get his next shot. I can hear the young kid complaining about how tired he is and the young girl about the hot son, but the father urges them on. It is a show. Soon, they head out and I am left to see the remnants of their fun evening. Small catfish carcasses litter the water (I am guessing they are too small to keep). I slowly make my way onto the hunting grounds and begin seeing carp everywhere. The largest (in number & size) I had ever seen in one spot. Problem was, they were petrified and I couldn't even get near them without the water erupting. Judging by the number of dead catfish, I have a feeling they had a fair share of G-Bones on the bottom of their small rowboat. I leave, empty handed, having striked out, but I will be back.
What a pussy. And now his kids learn the slovenly ways of his knuckle draggin' fool ass...
Sounds like a place you definitely need to return to...when the bows & arrow crowd are out chasing deer rather than fish! Enjoyable read, as always.
Thanks t-rageous
JP- Yea, I kind of stood, watched, and shaked my head back and forth at that one.
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